History: Workshops Tutorials 2010

Source of version: 1 (current)

Workshop submissions should propose a half-day session about specific topics of interest. The format of the workshop itself is open and should be discussed with the workshops chair, once the proposal has been accepted.

Submissions should include:
#Relevance: Why the topic is relevant and timely as to justify allocating a session.
#Name of the worshop leaders, and a brief description of their background expertise.
#Topics: the topic, or list of related topics to be covered in the workshop.
#Audience: Brief description of the intended audience and background needed to get the most of worshop content.
#Submissions: Indicate whether the workshop will try to attract submissions/presentations on related topics, to be given during the session.

The content should make it clear, not only what the topic is, but also how the tutorial will proceed, what people will have learned at the end of it, and how the process will facilitate that learning.

As a set of guidelines, you should be able to answer the following questions in your demo/tutorial submission:
#Target audience
**Who will benefit from attending this session.
**What is the demo/tutorial about?
#What will be learned
**By the end of the tutorial, attendees will have learned... (and here a list of topics).
**Will this be a lecture-like session or a more participatory/interactive session?
#Process and length
**Present a broad outline (with times) of what instructor and attendees will do. Explain how this process will facilitate the learning of what you described in 3.
#Instructors experience
**Why are you the right person to give that particular tutorial?


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Wed 24 of Mar., 2010 06:44 EDT felipe Info about submissions for workshops/tutorials 1
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